HelpFul Brain

* Self-Talk
* Negative Thinking
* Self-Identity
* Dealing with Envy and Anger
* Developing Healthy Cognitive Boundaries

As a matter of a “brain-science” fact:
You have no idea about your actual capabilities and the actual possibilities that right now lay in front of you.

There are multiple natural surviving mechanisms that literally cheat on you and make you blind.

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You can train your brain to perform better via
* Building strong self-identity
* Managing your internal self-talk
* Creating environments that work for you

People_HelpFul Brain

Your cortex is programmed by the framework of your social group, your parents, and your teachers. A kid builds an understanding of the world, himself, and the people around him by watching after others, mimicking and mirroring the behavior of people around him. Learn More


The most important thing for your healthy strong cortex is a stone solid idea of who YOU are, the way YOU think about yourself, and the way YOU communicate yourself to the rest of the world. Learn More

Find Yours

The healthy management of your brain’s mirror neurons can help you in dealing with envy, anger, and jealousy. The recognition and appreciation of other people’s boundaries, values, and vision are the keys to staying healthy and grounded in your own values. Learn More


Automation of repetitive brain effort


According to quantum mechanics, you can do the same thing many times and get different results. The high-energy particle colliders work the same way. In the colliders, the same particles get mixed trillions upon trillions of times and every time gets different results.

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Why do you need a mood tracking app on your phone?


The idea of mood influence on people’s life and physical health sounds very immature at first sight. But in fact, that is the way our brain works. “Mood creation factory” is hidden from everyone, including you. The main sources of mood are your current physical experience and unconscious processes …

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