The way your brain process your feelings is different from the cognitive brain processes.
That means, that your brain plays the “broken phone” game every time you are trying to cognitively process your feelings.
To attune your brain to a “HAPPY” mode you need to proactively act and adjust yourself to “HAPPINESS STATE”.
The highest level of happy trust people ever experienced happens in their childhood between mother and child. Anything from childhood from smell to visual objects and facial features brings people a sense of trust and security. Learn more
When you are stressed, hungry, emotionally, or physically drained, reaching an edge of your physical or emotional tension your body releases endorphins. Learn more
You can boost your natural dopamine level by searching for something you really like or by trying to solve an issue. Even the idea of finding something you want already boosts dopamine in your brain. Learn more

Sharp your “Happy Seeker” abilities with the Total Brain App
The way we perceive the world around us is mostly determined by our eyes and our brain’s physical capacity. Our eyes can capture only reflected light with a very limited range of wavelength, so-called the visible spectrum.

Why do you need a mood tracking app on your phone?
The idea of mood influence on people’s life and physical health sounds very immature at first sight. But in fact, that is the way our brain works. “Mood creation factory” is hidden from everyone, including you. The main sources of mood are your current physical experience and unconscious processes …