Healthy Brain
Healthy Brain

* Balanced Biochemistry
* Neurons’ Renewal Process Activation
* Improved Protection Mechanisms
* Healthy Weight Management
* Natural Pain Management
* “By clock” body’s work

There are many aspects that imply the idea of a “Healthy Brain” and multiple ways to influence Brain Performance.

All the statements and facts we use in our e-Program, e-Book, and Blog are based only on pure science and evidence-based clinical practices.

What does this mean?

“Science-Based” means that we used the knowledge that proven to be true in the common earth’s atmospheric condition, based on common scientific methods, that were developed through centuries and originated in Immanuel Kant’s philosophy of practical rationality.

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Girl breaths, Healthy Brain Breaths

The brain needs oxygen, but the way it breaths is not usually what people think or know. The oxygen, that your body gets via the lungs is just a part of the process. Learn More About How Healthy Brain Breaths in our e-Program.


The healthy brain needs a balance of certain chemicals to ensure the proper transaction of the electrical impulses and chemical signals. To Learn More Please Enroll in the e-Program.

Water Drinking

The time and the way you consume food impact the way your healthy brain regulates body temperature, inflammation processes, emotional balance, sleeping patterns, etc. To Learn More Please Enroll in the e-Program.


Biotech company Mend and evidence-based clinical nutrition.


Life sciences and biotechnology company with a mission to help people to heal. Working with leading hospitals and universities on developing evidence-based clinical nutrition products to enhance patient outcomes.

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Salmon is a rich source of essential nutrients for your brain health.


As it has been proven by multiple research the regular intake of fish and other products with fatty acids help against aging, mental disorders, cardiovascular diseases, vision issues, prevents brain cancer development

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Why do you need a mood tracking app on your phone?

Tech Tools

The idea of mood influence on people’s life and physical health sounds very immature at first sight. But in fact, that is the way our brain works. “Mood creation factory” is hidden from everyone, including you. The main sources of mood are your current physical experience and unconscious processes …

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What is the vital source of protein for the best brain performance?


Our body requires protein on daily basis for tissue repair, immune system support, for the maintenance of the smooth operation of the body organs, and the main regulatory system, including hormonal activities

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Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) is an interstellar dust ingredient, that improves brains.


PQQ can be found in earth soil and in interstellar dust, fights inflammation, boosts cellular breathing, and tissue regeneration

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